Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bread Lovely Bread!

So months ago I decided I needed bread. Fresh bread, still warm delicious fresh bread so I sucked up my inexplicable fear of baking large savoury loaves and found a no-knead recipe.

It all worked out rather marvellously! Mixed it up on a Saturday evening, let it rest overnight and in the morning finished up the prep and baked a delicious round.

I only have a small ceramic bowl so it just had to do. Lovely rested dough, doubled in size overnight.

Fold it a couple times, quick rest and then into the floured tea towel to sit for another 2 hours. 

It was an ice cold day - well below room temperature - so put it by the window to thaw out a little, just a bit... 

While it was having this second rest, I ventured out to the fresh food market that graces Wellington every Sunday for some much needed blue cheese and french chicken liver pate. Can't beat buying cheese and pate from someone with a french accent...

Got back just in time to pop the round into the oven and then one hour later lunch was served. There is just something about bread that I can't resist. Deliciously browned thick crust with surprisingly light soft bready bits. It is heavier than your run of the mill white bread, but warm homemade bread trumps bought every time!

The bread recipe came from http://www.notquitenigella.com/2010/03/22/no-kneading-bread/

Other spoils from the market...

These lovely (and incredibly cheap) ingredients became a divine butternut soup, a kumara carrot soup and a potato onion soup. All fantastic, although I was a little (and when I say a little, I really mean a lot!) heavy handed with the cayenne pepper... ... it ended up a tad spicy, but nothing that I couldn't handle on a cold autumn evening.


Stacey @ bakercourt said...

The bread looks amazing - soft on the inside and crispy on the outside, exactly how it should be! Well done, you're becoming a regular 40s kitchenette ;)

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